
Ancient tree research

Ancient tree research means the classic family tree research. For the customer this method is the best way to know all the ancestors who can be found.

Searching for one branch of the family

It is an excellent way to that case if the customer wants to search one branch of the family, for example the maternal branch, or maybe if the customer wants to go back to the first person who can be found and whose family name is worn.

Population research

It includes the research of the related-side relatives of the ancestors.

Name origin research

You are not sure in the origin of your name? It sounds German, or rather Slavic? Ask the name origin research service in order to know what name you wear. Determining the origin and the meaning of Slovak names is happening with the help of Slovak maternal –language historian, while the German and South-Slavic origin names (Croatian and Serbian) are determined by professional interpreter.

Checking and completing ready family trees

You have made your own family tree and you are not sure if you used the good method? Maybe you got stuck somewhere and don’t know how to go on? Feel free to write me!

Fényképek restaurálása

Megfakultak, megsérültek a felmenők régi képei? Rosszul sikerült a kontraszt? Mi javítjuk a képminőséget is! Régi fekete-fehér, szépia képek rongálódottságát, technikai bajait orvosoljuk (gyűrődés, szakadás, foltok), vagy modernebb fotók korrekcióját vállaljuk (rossz beállítások vagy nyomtatási hibák javítása, retusálás). Képekért kattintson. More

Painted crest making, crest made by computer graphic or made from wood.

I undertake to draw and paint your noble family crest based on picture or description.

Making crest based on individual needs, family and urban crests.

We undertake to make crest from wood from generation to generation by involving Szekely woodcarver master.


Making family graphics

A family tree graphic can be ordered next to the ready ancient tree which can be put to the wall, your relatives and guests can admire it.


Ancient tree research

Ancient tree research means the classic family tree research. For the customer this method is the best way to know all the ancestors who can be found.

Searching for one branch of the family

It is an excellent way to that case if the customer wants to search one branch of the family, for example the maternal branch, or maybe if the customer wants to go back to the first person who can be found and whose family name is worn.

Population research

It includes the research of the related-side relatives of the ancestors.

Name origin research

You are not sure in the origin of your name? It sounds German, or rather Slavic? Ask the name origin research service in order to know what name you wear. Determining the origin and the meaning of Slovak names is happening with the help of Slovak maternal –language historian, while the German and South-Slavic origin names (Croatian and Serbian) are determined by professional interpreter.

Checking and completing ready family trees

You have made your own family tree and you are not sure if you used the good method? Maybe you got stuck somewhere and don’t know how to go on? Feel free to write me!

Painted crest making, crest made by computer graphic or made from wood.

I undertake to draw and paint your noble family crest based on picture or description.

Making crest based on individual needs, family and urban crests.

We undertake to make crest from wood from generation to generation by involving Szekely woodcarver master.

Making family graphics

A family tree graphic can be ordered next to the ready ancient tree which can be put to the wall, your relatives and guests can admire it.

Areas researched by me according to the geographical location

  • Hungary
  • Transylvania, RomaniaCsaládfakutatás_Magyarország
  • Slovakia
  • Southland (current Vojvodina, Serbia)
  • Mura country (current Slovenia)
  • Transcarpatia (current Ukraine)
  • Croatia
  • Austria

Areas Researched by me according to the religious affiliation:

  • Roman Catolic
  • Calvinistic
  • Lutheran
  • Greek Catholic
  • Hebrew (neolog és orthodox Hebrew)
  • Ortodox